Description (from the publisher)
President Obama’s impending arrival to Nairobi is the electric backdrop to this dazzling debut. Yet, beneath the glittering celebrations, beats the pulse of a city aflame.
It is into this crucible that Nice lands, fleeing her Somali drug-dealer boyfriend, her brutal UN work in Mogadishu, and the life choices stalking her. So desperate is she to flee that she involves one of her oldest friends, Duncan, an American pastor heading a church in Nairobi. On the way back from the airport, their car crashes, and Nice is abducted by a crooked immigration cop, Hinga, and Duncan finds himself having to delve into the moral complexities of the under-city to rescue Nice. But how deep can Duncan go, without destroying his faith, and himself?
Thrilling Reads Review
Akbar Hussain’s Truth is A Flightless Bird is an exciting novel set in the frenetic African city of Nairobi. It’s a place as unpredictable and memorable as the characters in the book, making it a unique debut.
Nice, a woman fleeing her Somali drug-dealing ex-boyfriend, and the terrors she experienced while working for the UN in Mogadishu, turns to her friend Duncan for help. An American pastor in Nairobi, he is her only hope. Her abduction sparks a thrilling adventure set in a far-away land and filled with cultural exploration.