One Deadly Eye by Randy Wayne White

One Deadly Eye by Randy Wayne White (Book Cover)

Publisher’s Description

From New York Times bestselling author Randy Wayne White, after the deadliest hurricane to hit Florida’s Gulf Coast in a century, Doc Ford must stop a gang of thieves—and worse—during the twelve hours of chaos that follow the passing of a storm’s eye.

A Russian diplomat disappears while Doc is tagging great white sharks in South Africa, and members of a criminal brotherhood, Bratva, don’t think it’s a coincidence. They track the biologist to Dinkin’s Bay Marina on the west coast of Florida, where Brotherhood mercenaries have already deployed, prepared to pillage and kill in the wake of an approaching hurricane.

No one, however, is prepared for a cataclysmic event that will forever change the island and leaves Doc to deal with escapees from Russia’s most dangerous prison, including a serial killer—the Vulture Monk—who has a taste for blood. His only ally is an enigmatic British inventor whose decision to ride out the storm might have more to do with revenge than protecting a priceless art collection.

Doc has a lot at stake—the lives of his fiancée, Hannah Smith, and their son, plus the fate of his hipster pal, Tomlinson, whose sailboat has disappeared in the Gulf of Mexico. The greatest threat of all, though, is a force that cannot be escaped—a Category Five hurricane that, minute by minute, melds sins of the past with Florida’s precarious future.

About this book: 368 pages. Publisher: Hanover Square Press Pub date: June 4, 2024.

Thrilling Reads Review

It’s been a few years since the last Doc Ford book, but Randy Wayne White returns with “One Deadly Eye,” the twenty-eighth book in his acclaimed Doc Ford series.

In this installment, White plunges Ford into the aftermath of the century’s most devastating hurricane on Sanibel Island. The storm not only disrupts life but also sets the stage for a thrilling narrative filled with danger and mystery. As Ford receives a mysterious warning about paramilitary contractors using the chaos to commit crimes, the plot thickens, transforming the hurricane from a natural disaster into a formidable antagonist.

White excels in weaving atmospheric tension and suspense throughout the novel. The hurricane, personified as an unstoppable force, reshapes lives and unveils hidden sins. Amidst this turmoil, Ford confronts both external threats and introspective challenges concerning his vulnerabilities and loyalties.

The character development is robust. Ford, a retired NSA agent, is portrayed with compelling depth—his determination and moral integrity make him an engaging protagonist. The supporting cast, including a British inventor, an NSA director, and members of the Russian mob, provide a dynamic backdrop, adding complexity and intrigue to the storyline.

The dialogues are sharp, particularly the banter among characters, which injects lightness into the otherwise tense narrative. The detailed descriptions of the hurricane’s impact are particularly striking, offering vivid imagery that enhances the novel’s gritty realism.

Randy Wayne White’s “One Deadly Eye” is a gritty crime thriller that stands out in the Doc Ford series. With its blend of suspense, character depth, and the relentless force of nature, the book is a must-read, delivering all the thrills fans have come to expect and enjoy.

It's safe to say that Alan Petersen loves mystery and thriller books. He writes high-octane thrillers, hosts the MEET THE THRILLER AUTHOR podcast, and reviews thriller/mystery books.

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