Review: Wolf Point by Ian K. Smith

Book Description from the Publisher

A Cadillac, a pistol, and a corpse make for another morning in Chicago. The body belongs to Walter Griffin, a prominent Black Chicagoan insider hailing from the city’s West Side. He ascended to the upper echelons of the mayor’s office only to meet his end in a watery grave at Wolf Point. Forensics finds his prints on the gun; it’s ruled a suicide.

But grizzled private investigator Ashe Cayne knows better.

Griffin’s children plead with a reluctant Ashe to hunt their father’s killer. They know their dad wouldn’t have taken his own life without a goodbye. And Ashe knows this town’s dark secrets often mean murder is not too far away.

Ashe decides to take on the case and navigate a city rotting with corruption, racial tensions, and sketchy backroom deals. On the bleak streets of Chicago, it’s every man for himself—and that makes everyone a suspect.

Thrilling Reads Book Review

New York Times bestselling author and physician Ian K. Smith may be best-known for his expert health and fitness advice on national broadcasts and in his bestselling nonfiction books (he is best-known as Dr. Ian, the host of The Doctors and a go to medical expert for Rachael Ray and many other national shows), but his crime novels have taken critics and fans alike by storm.

WOLF POINT is the second book in the Ashe Cayne series. Ashe is an ex-cop turned private investigator seeks to fight corruption on the streets of Chicago.

WOLF POINT was a fun read with great dialogue and a complex story involving murder, greed, and corruption. And although this was a complex story, Smith pushes the action forward with a believable storyline and compelling characters.

Smith’s characters are not the typical hard-boil PI trope. Ashe is African-American and he’s not battling the bottle and such addictions so common in this genre. He’s fit and healthy and very good at his job. That’s not say he isn’t struggling with demons — who doesn’t, really?

The action and mystery will keep you turning pages.

I’m looking forward to the next book in this entertaining, gritty, compelling series.

Interview with Author Ian K. Smith

I had the pleasure of interviewing the author on my podcast, MEET THE THRILLER AUTHOR. You can listen to the interview below or on your favorite podcast app.

It's safe to say that Alan Petersen loves mystery and thriller books. He writes high-octane thrillers, hosts the MEET THE THRILLER AUTHOR podcast, and reviews thriller/mystery books.

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