Review Star Classification

Transparency is key, so I’ll be upfront – I’m not a big fan of the traditional star rating system for book reviews. But, since it’s the norm, I’ve included it for now. However, there’s a possibility that I might remove it in the future.
I only want to share books that I truly love and am excited to recommend to you. If a book isn’t up to my standards, I won’t feature it on my website. Criticizing a book goes against my philosophy and this site is meant to be a place for book lovers to have fun. I’m not a professional book reviewer, so who am I to tell you a book is bad and you shouldn’t read it?

Four star book reviews.

Let’s talk about the star ratings – A three star rating is usually considered the lowest positive rating, which means I liked the book enough to feature it on my website and share it with you.

Four stars means the book is above average and excellent, which is how I would describe most of the books I consider to be excellent.

The rare five star rating is reserved for books that I consider to be exceptional, superb, outstanding, and terrific. These are the books that I consider to be new favorites and truly special.

Most of the books I review will receive either a three or four star rating. A few might receive a five star rating, but you won’t find any two or one star reviews here. If I didn’t like a book, I won’t waste my time writing a review about it. Life is too short for that. Plus, a book that I didn’t enjoy might be a book that you love, and that’s just the way it goes.

Attention Authors: I receive many requests for book reviews, so if you reach out to me asking for a review, I may not have the bandwidth to accommodate your request. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.